Noble Valuation Consulting, LLC, is a business and real estate company specializing in consulting on an hourly fee basis, including expert witness testimony, valuation of real and business property interest, and the review of real property and business interest appraisals.
The principal is L. Steven (Steve) Noble.
Steve Noble holds the CRE, MAI, AI-GRS, SRA,
AI-RRS, and ASA-ARM professional consulting, valuation, and appraisal review designations.
Mr. Noble's specialty is industrial, special-use properties, and complex issues related to real property rights.
Steve Noble is a qualified expert witness in various state and federal courts. He has been engaged by attorneys representing property owners in major condemnation cases involving HVTL electrical power corridors and natural gas lines.
He has provided expert valuation and damage analysis reports and expert testimony for a variety of property rights cases, including a columbarium, ad valorem natural gas wells, conservation easements, and other unique properties. |